Monday, February 11, 2008

Weeks 6, 7, 8

If nature had arranged that husbands and wives should have children alternatively, there would never be more than three in a family.


I've been reading all kinds of things on the internet and the "Baby Calculator" said that I'm at 6 weeks and 5 days.
How some women go for 4 or 5 months not even knowing they are pregnant is beyond my comprehension. I immediately knew something was off. The sore boobs, the cramping, the nausea,,, sheesh,,,at 3, 4, 5 weeks, my body was going nuts!!
Now at 6-7 weeks, the morning sickness is in FULL EFFECT! And let me tell you,,,,in my case it's called ALL DAY SICKNESS! Waves of nausea all damn day long! I feel great, I feel terrible, feel great, feel awful, great, wrecked,,,,aaahh! Is this how it's gonna be for the next 7 months??? Good thing I'm trained in suffering!
I've been riding my bike here and there when I feel well enough. A couple of weekends ago I got to ride Bommer Canyon with Dave Paul and I made it for a couple of hours before the boobs were aching so bad that I had to stop. The next weekend I got on Bomb Shelly (my single-speed) and took her out for a very easy spin and that was super fun.
I'm working from home now so it makes it easy to rest whenever I need a break or a puke session. I still have to venture out to see clients here and there, but I can usually manage.


8 Weeks Pregnant

The Baby
The internet says the baby is approximately three-quarters of an inch (2 centimeters) long and weighs about a gram. It also says Little Tyke keeps on developing at a rapid speed: the beginnings of a skeleton are being created, with cartilage prior to the actual formation of bones. The little heart has started beating at about 60 times a minute, the stomach produces gastric juices, the liver makes blood cells and the brain starts working. Now the resemblance to a tadpole is quite clear, because webbed fingers and toes appear on the hands and feet! Little Tyke is growing pretty fast: less than two weeks ago it was the size of a grain of rice, now it's as big as your thumbnail.

Week 8: A Body at Work

I have officially bestowed the name "Little Tyke" upon my little tenant - it's easier than stumbling around and calling the poor thing "it" or "he or she" all the time. I keep trying to picture what he or she looks like; imagining it growing day by day. I spent half the day looking at pictures of 8-week-old fetuses on the internet. It's so hard to imagine that something so small is inside me right now,,,well except for all the unpleasant side effects that are a constant reminder something huge is going on.

I'm nauseous most of the time, and throwing up every single morning for 3 weeks straight. Everyone keeps saying it will pass after the first trimester...well, that's another 4 weeks away! AAAHHHH!

The books and my doctor told me to try "grazing," or snacking throughout the day instead of trying to eat three normal meals, and to take my prenatal vitamins at night rather than in the morning. I've resorted to all sorts of remedies: Sea Bands (wrist bands) to apply pressure at points to decrease nausea, Vitamin B-6, Ginger Snaps, lemon wedges, and praying (since I'm already bent over on my knees at the "throne". I'll try anything if it helps!

1 comment:

Lynda Wallenfels said...

Emma is my Honey Bunches of Oats baby as that is just about all I could eat for a long time when she was tumbling around inside me.